The Manual Pocket Chainsaw: What is It and Should I Have One for Camping and Hiking?

image of man using a manual pocket chainsaw cutting tree branch

Having the Right Tools at the Right Time

Having the right tools whether camping, hiking, or backpacking can make or break your experience making all the difference. Surprisingly, a manual pocket chainsaw can truly add to your essential equipment arsenal providing a reliable and portable way to cut wood, clear a campsite or its use while on the trails.

This quick and easy article gives the basics of the manual pocket chainsaw for those wanting to know more about it. Once you read through this, check out our more comprehensive piece on The 8 Best Hand Powered Pocket Chainsaws of 2023 . You will have more than enough information to help you decide on buying, using, and carrying a pocket chainsaw the next time you head to the campsite or hiking trail.



image of the loggers art 48 inch rope chain saw

The manual pocket chainsaw is a versatile, portable cutting tool that’s been around for years. The design is lightweight, compact, easy to use making it ideal for campers and hikers alike. With sustainability in mind, more people are turning to using the manual pocket chainsaw as being eco-friendly.

Most of us who enjoy the outdoors want to preserve nature as much as possible and the manual pocket chainsaw is one way to reinforce our commitment. It also provides one of the most portable ways to have a saw at your fingertips.

Features of a Manual Pocket Chainsaw

image of the sportsman pocket chainsaw

What makes this chainsaw different from others? The obvious difference is that it requires human-power to get the job done. Although a simple tool, it is prudent to know the features of the manual pocket chainsaw, getting a good idea on its uniqueness.

The material of a manual pocket chainsaw is generally high-quality steel oft-times coated with a rust-resistant material making it longer-lasting. When looking for a pocket chainsaw, it is important to take this into consideration as you want to prolong the life of this product.

The teeth are designed to cut in both directions as you pull from one side to the other making it more efficient while sawing. This can prove beneficial as you are cutting through a few pieces of wood or a larger section of branches.

The length of a pocket chainsaw can range from 24 inches to 36 inches. The length can be a factor when cutting larger pieces needing that extra bit of chain to do the job effectively. The lightweight design helps with transportability with the average weight being between 5 and 10 ounces.

It is important to look for quality in materials used in making the pocket chainsaw. For more durability, the high-carbon steel will add to the longevity of the manual pocket chainsaw. Please keep that in mind when comparing pocket chainsaws. Our article The 8 Best Hand Powered Pocket Chainsaws of 2023 may also help.

Benefits of a Manual Pocket Chainsaw

image of roaring campfire

The first has to be its portability and convenience. You cannot fit every piece of equipment in your backpack or even a car when heading to the campsite or trail. Having something light and compact will ensure taking the pocket chainsaw with you each time you head out for outdoor adventures.

If you practice a bit of caution, the pocket chainsaw is a safe option for cutting. The simplicity in design and lack of gas-powered engine allow for ease of use. You will be getting back to the basics of having a human-powered cutting device.

Using a pocket chainsaw reinforces the being out in nature with the Leave No Trace mantra. You cannot get more environmentally friendly than reducing carbon footprinting without relying on gas or other power sources for your cutting tool. And it is very affordable with most chainsaws under $50.

How to Use a Manual Pocket Chainsaw

image of man using a manual pocket chainsaw cutting tree branch

When buying a pocket chainsaw, keep the chain length in mind for your particular needs. Longer will provide easier cutting for larger pieces of wood. You should inspect the chainsaw making sure the handles are affixed to the chain so nothing pulls apart while you are cutting. As with any outdoor cutting of wood whether using manual or gas-powered cutting tools, you should always check the work area to ensure no safety hazards.

Place the chain around the object, secure the wood (foot, companion), begin pulling on one side and then the other. Having a partner can make the cutting easier, more efficient, and fun. If the chain gets stuck, let go with both hands and inspect the wood.

Remember, the chain will be hot from friction, so handle it carefully. It should be easy to pull the chain through and begin cutting again. Sometimes the log may bend inwards, pinching the chain. You can always turn the log over to the other side.

Once the cut is finished, drop the chain again remembering that it is hot and move your piece of wood. Inspect the chainsaw before putting it back in the holder.

Maintenance and Storage of Your Manual Pocket Chainsaw

image of various camping gear ready for packing

Inspect the pocket chainsaw making sure the handles are not damaged and are attached to the chain. Check the chain for debris, loose links, and damaged teeth. Cleaning and drying the teeth will ensure that the chainsaw will work properly next time and reduce rusting.

While inspecting the teeth, sharpening each tooth will give better results when using. Use a rounded file made for sharpening chainsaws and go through each tooth with one or two strokes. Be sure to do one side and then turn the chain over for the other side.

Lubricate the chain keeping the links and joints moving well. Once you are satisfied with the inspection and preparation, place the chainsaw in its pouch keeping it away from moisture, having it ready for your next adventure.


Having a manual pocket chainsaw at the ready can truly enhance your camping and hiking experiences. The lightweight design and ease of use make it the perfect companion for your outdoor adventures.

Remember to keep in mind the length of the chain, type of metal used for the chain, sturdiness of the handles, and solid feel when looking to make a purchase.

With many products on the market, it is important to find the best pocket chainsaw that will satisfy your needs and your wallet.

For more guidance, check out our review of The 8 Best Hand Powered Pocket Chainsaws of 2023 .

Stay safe and have fun!!!

Charlie Leone

Website Owner/Editor

Welcome to CampingManiacs


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